About PMU

Our Organisation

An historic player in racing and betting, the PMU is legally defined as an Economic Interest Grouping (EIG), made up of 66 French racing companies, meeting in General Assembly.

The PMU designs and markets the games on offer. Its net profit is donated to member companies of the GIE which ensure the development of the horse racing sector in France (more than 70,000 direct jobs are included). This cooperation guarantees the sustainability and growth of a popular passion, the PMU providing 80% of the income of the equine sector in France.


Founded in 1930, Pari Mutuel Urbain (PMU) is today the leading European operator and the third largest player in horse racing pari-mutuel betting.

With more than 100 partners in 57 countries, PMU offers a diversified international offering for all bettor profiles, from pari-mutuel betting to fixed odds betting, as well as the supply of associated data and images of live French races, which are among the most attractive in the world.

At PMU, we are convinced that we can help meet an ever-increasing need for proximity, within society and in the direction of all our audiences and customers, whether they play at our points of sale or online. Our 13,200 partners all horse racing enthusiasts, and more broadly, all French people.

Our Purpose

Faithful to its history and proud of its mission, the PMU creates emotions and links between its punters, horse racing enthusiasts and the French, throughout the territory and in the world, in a responsible and trustworthy framework.

Our Values

At PMU we share:

A duty of reliability - A guarantee of security for our customers and all our stakeholders.

A taste for performance  - Common to an entire sector, at the service of the company's strategy and the quality of the experience that we provide to our customers.

A feeling of pride - For our players, for the pleasure we bring them and of our unifying role within society.

A team spirit - Source of motivation for everyone and key to victory for all.

A sense of individual responsibility - Guides all our decisions and actions.

For the french site: - https://www.pmu.fr/turf/

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